Empack 2016 , the opportunity to admire the Mapax LD leak detection machine at Linde Gas

Up to date with the latest leak detection developments.
Empack 2016 , the opportunity to admire the Mapax LD leak detection machine at Linde Gas
Micro leaks in cooling systems ? We have the solution!
Smarter leak testing with the optional Sensistor PK50 hand probe.
Replaceable for all existing Sensistor hand probes (H50, H21)
Upgrade your existing Sensistor leak detector with this PK50 series.
Also available with extra long flexible gooseneck.
Cloth goes down on the long-awaited IRwin gas leak detector. After more than 2 years of development and extensive testing, the time has finally come. Inficon's new IRwin gas leak detector is a fact. All advantages at a glance: Super light in weight and ergonomically designed. IR Technology ensures 100% methane selectivity. Does the difference between swamp gas (Biogas) and…
Our September monthly offer : Tracy leak detector Leak detection has never been so effective and simple. Our best-selling leak detector helps you with that. Did you doubt? This is the time to make a purchase. Ask us about the special price.