Up to date with the latest leak detection developments.
Find small leaks even faster

New ! The Inficon Sentrac hydrogen leak detector special edition STRIX.
Our standard Inficon Sentrac hydrogen leak detector was already the most modern and advanced leak detector on the market.
With the special STRIX edition we go one step further. Even faster response time !, Even faster recovery time !, Immediately after a large leak also measure a micro leak without delay, Longer sensor life.
The Sentrac STRIX can be widely used for detecting/locating leaks with Forming gas or hydrogen.
Available in both portable and tabletop models.
This new "state of the art" Sensistor hydrogen leak detector works with the unique highly sensitive Sensistor STRIX hydrogen sensor and can be used as a final check in the process industry, but also as a leak detector in the petrochemical or cooling industry.
Due to the OLED display in the hand probe, the results can be read immediately. The built-in LED lighting provides a good view of the leak location.
In addition to the “detection mode” there is also an “analysis mode”. This allows the leakage to be quantified in, for example, ppm or mbarl/s, etc.
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